Kyosei Coaching is a division of Kyosei Consulting, a full-service consulting firm with more than two decades of experience creating high-performance, high-fulfilment workplaces. Experienced in working with everything from start-up entrepreneurs to multinational Fortune 500s, we’re known for our ability to transform our clients’ lives and businesses in profound ways.

For individuals seeking to discover their purpose, find work they love, re-energize their life, step up their leadership abilities, or grow their legacy, our coaching and training programs build the foundations you need to achieve lasting success without sacrificing soul. With more than 25 years working with thousands of people around the world, our founder has seen all of the ways people get in the way of finding and following their passions. Our coaching and training services are designed to ensure not only that our clients get clarity, but that they follow through on that clarity to create the life and work they desire.

For conscious entrepreneurs, our breadth of experience provides the seasoned expertise, out-of-the box thinking and perspective required to overcome barriers and access opportunities without succumbing to stress and overwhelm. Small businesses are the drivers of innovation, the lifeblood of any economy and  the catalysts for social change. Our team is passionate about “taking the suck out of success”by teaching entrepreneurs how to sustain their energy, passion, and focus while growing the ability of their business to make a profit – and a difference.

Founded in 2001, Kyosei Consulting has always provided workplace transformation training, coaching and consulting services to large companies. The popularity of our person-centered, full-service approach soon led to the expansion of our coaching division to better service independent individuals and entrepreneurs (through Kyosei Coaching), and our web and marketing division to support businesses to better meet their profit goals through the pursuit of authentic and ethical marketing strategies that support businesses to sell their stuff without selling their soul (through Kyosei Creative).

Kyosei (kyō – say) is a Japanese word that means “living and working together for the common good.” Kyosei is more than just our name – it’s our cause and our calling. We’re on a mission to transform the ways people live, work and do business in order to build foundations for a world where everyone wins. If climbing the corporate ladder or making a dollar is your only concern, you probably won’t get jazzed by working with us. If, however, you’re a purpose-driven leader, conscious entrepreneur, or soulful success seeker who understands that lasting success is built on integrity, courage, creativity and contribution in all aspects of your life and work, we’d love to hear from you.