Go Beyond Balance: Revitalize Your Life & Work!

Feeling burnt out, overloaded or unfulfilled?


Wish you could figure out how to level up your career or business without compromising your wellbeing?


Do you suspect that working harder or having more willpower isn’t the answer?


The Life Work IntegrityTM Foundations Coaching Program reveals a new perspective and a skill set that gives you the insight you need to step beyond striving, come alive to your potential, and build your capacity to thrive in every area of your life and work, once and for all.

In just 9 weeks you will gain clarity on the forces that drive and block vitality, fulfillment and success, and discover your own unique source of unlimited renewable energy. If you are serious about going beyond balance and learning to thrive — permanently — this is the program for you.

Benefits of the Life-Work Integrity® Coaching Program

The reasons for choosing the Life-Work Integrity Coaching program are as unique as each individual, but the results are the same. Here is what you can expect to experience:

1.      Enhanced Energy, Balance & Well being

Increased energy, reduced stress, better life-work balance and a greater sense of well being and vitality are all common side effects of the Life-Work Integrity program.  Even better, it provides you with practical knowledge and tangible tools to ensure that these gains will stand the test of time.

2.      Improved Productivity & Performance

The Life-Work Integrity® Coaching Program enhances productivity and performance by teaching you to:

  • Implement a variety of strategies for growing energy and reducing stress that are a fit for your unique needs and style;
  • Understand your strengths, style, and talents and how to work with them to maximize focus, productivity and results; and
  • Develop extreme clarity on your purpose and priorities, gaining the ability to focus on what matters most.

3.      Career Clarity

While many clients do not have this as a specific objective when they begin their coaching, it is an inevitable result. You will gain clarity on your purpose and passions, and learn how to shift from doing what you have to do to doing what you love. Based on our Founder’s three decades of experience helping people around the world discover and align with their passions, this program is guaranteed to get you aligned with your maximum capacity for performance, contribution and fulfillment.

4.      Leadership Excellence

Whether you have a team of two, twenty or two hundred, the Life-Work Integrity® Coaching Program provides you with a foundation of awareness to maximize energy, performance, engagement and fulfillment in yourself and others. Not only will you gain concrete tools for enhancing the performance of your team, the experience you gain in maximizing your own performance, productivity and fulfillment provides the real world understanding you need to help others apply it for themselves. Leaders are increasingly battling burnout and losing a sense of purpose at and alarming rate. Once you take charge of your own engagement, you’ll be in a much stronger position to support your team.

5.      Increased Business Success

A key reason entrepreneurs and leaders invest in coaching is to grow their ability to achieve business objectives. This program provides clients with an understanding of the Kyosei Thrive Model™, our proprietary tool for helping people and businesses realize their potential to thrive. Our coaches work with this model to help you identify the most critical business gaps you need to address and determine the highest leverage opportunities for growing your business. More importantly, through working with your coach, you develop an understanding of the Model that will allow you to assess your business and develop strategic priorities yourself on an ongoing basis.

6.      Personal and Business Sustainability

A final benefit of working with a Kyosei coach is our focus on business and personal sustainability. Our coaching tools and processes build your capacity to meet both your personal and business needs in the short term while growing your ability to meet these needs well into the future. We help you achieve success on your own terms – without having to sacrifice your health, relationships or integrity. This requires building a business that is sustainable not only in terms of profitability, but in terms of how it’s social and environmental footprint is impacting our communities and the planet. Our coaches are experts at the kind of creative thinking needed to support our clients in ensuring their growing prosperity is also growing the prosperity of all those whose lives they touch – both directly and indirectly – in their business.

Who Will It Help?

  • Employees struggling with stress, burnout, wellness, or life-work balance
  • Peak performers interested in raising the bar on their energy, performance, fulfillment and health in both their life and work.
  • Staff with performance challenges such as: improving communication, resolving conflict, aligning personal and business values, building trust, eliminating career confusion, increasing initiative, and enhancing overall confidence, efficiency, or resiliency.
  • Leaders wanting to boost their own performance, engagement, and wellness while gaining concrete tools to coach enhanced performance in their teams.
  • HR leaders interested in a multipurpose framework for strategic thinking and action at both the individual and organization levels.

What’s Included?

Completion of the Life-Work Integrity Foundations program requires a commitment of just 9 weeks! This includes weekly individual coaching sessions, coaching module workbooks and other resources that are deemed necessary to achieve your desired goals. The 9 modules and coaching sessions will support you to level up your wellbeing, focus, energy, habits, mindset and skillset in all areas of your life and work. You will leave feeling not just transformed, but with a renewed capacity to keep transforming yourself in a positive direction no matter what life and work may bring your way.

  • Pre-program questions (So you can get started immediately!)
  • 9 weeks of coaching (9 x 60 minute weekly sessions) to help you get clear on your passions, identify your needs and cultivate the beliefs and practices that need to shift in order to thrive.
  • A copy of the 9 core modules in the Life-Work Integrity® Foundations system, plus additional modules that might be relevant to particular challenges and opportunities you are working on.
  • Response to e-mails in between sessions to deal with questions as you work on integrating what is learned in each session.
  • Lifetime access to upgrades to the Life-Work Integrity® Foundations program modules. We stay on top of the latest research and tools and constantly update our materials, so you will be the first to know when additional tools are released.
  • Access to special offers and events that are reserved only for alumni of the Life-Work Integrity® Foundations program so you can discover opportunities to evolve your potential along with like-minded humans who have also upgraded their “operating system” and ensure you don’t slip back into old mindsets of success that are no longer working.

Interested? Book a Free 15 minute Clarity Call Now

One of the best things about the Life-Work Integrity® Foundations program is that, because it is delivered via 1-1 coaching, it is customized to the unique needs of each person. While our LWI Foundations program is 9 weeks long and we always cover the 4 foundations of Life-Work Integrity® with every client, the focus of every session is unique to you. We only accept a few clients at a time, so we offer a complementary (no sales pitch!) Clarity Call to see if you are a good fit. Click Here to find our next available spot – We can’t wait to meet you!

A pile of matcha.