Hire right from the start!
Hiring employees can be a huge boon or a big bust for any entrepreneur. The right person will help grow your business, increase sales and profits, improve efficiency, make your life easier and allow you to focus on what you do best in the business. The wrong person, at best, will cost you at least as much time and resources as they give back, creating zero net gain for you and your business. At worst, they will lose clients, damage your reputation, increase your stress, cause your good employees to leave and potentially sink your business. That’s a huge potential downside! Kyosei is here to help you ensure that your employees make – rather than break – your business. We help you to:
Build your team!
- Avoid the costly hiring mistakes that most entrepreneurs make;
- Determine what your organization should look like when it is fully grown and who to hire first (or next if you already have employees);
- Write clear job descriptions that will attract the best person for the job (and guide their ongoing training, development and performance management);
- Identify the core values and characteristics of people who will be the best fit with your team, brand and culture;
- Save time in screening and pre-interviewing candidates;
- Provide salary guidelines to ensure that you don’t pay too much for the skills you need (or too little to attract the talent level required for the role);
- Conduct interviews using techniques that are scientifically proven to have more than double the success of finding the right candidate than traditional interview techniques have; and
- Develop employee onboarding systems that get your new hire up to speed making productive contributions to your business as quickly as possible.